Friday, January 10, 2014

Start your days right in 2014

With the New Year comes the opportunity for a fresh start. The best way to greet 2014 is to start its first day on a healthy and a fabulously positive note. Thus, I am sharing with you some “reminders” to welcome your most awesome year yet.

Top 10 New Year’s resolutions for 2014 from

1. Lose Weight
2. Getting Organized
3. Spend Less, Save More
4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest
5. Staying Fit and Healthy
6. Learn Something Exciting
7. Quit Smoking
8. Help Others in Their Dreams
9. Fall in Love
10. Spend More Time with Family

Top five (well, six) tips for staying healthy in 2014 from Cambridge News:

1. Eat breakfast – Ensure you have a substantial breakfast which includes some protein and fat, and aim to eat it within an hour of getting up. This will help your body to maintain balanced blood sugar levels and that’s key in order to reduce your cravings. And do yourself a big favour and skip the fruit juice - it plays havoc with your blood sugar levels.

2. Get active – Find an activity that you enjoy and actually look forward to, such as cycling, dancing, running or yoga – and do it twice a week. Current research suggests sitting for long periods can increase the risk of heart disease, weight gain and diabetes, so if you’re office based ensure you get up several times a day and take a walk.

3. Protein – Include some with all meals and snacks: think eggs, chicken, fish, pulses, nuts and seeds, approximately the size of your palm. This will slow down the insulin response and help keep your weight stable.

4. Get into green tea - Replace some of your tea and coffee with green tea. It is rich in polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant that will not only help to keep you healthy this winter but may also slow down the ageing process as may encourage faster metabolism. Start with two cups a day and experiment by adding fresh mint and a slice of lemon.

5. Cut back on carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, biscuits - and ensure you load your plate up with healthy seasonal vegetables instead. Make them interesting by stir-frying, sautéing, baking in the oven, adding garlic and chilli - whatever works for you.

6. One final tip... Include mushrooms in your diet. They contain powerful compounds called beta glucans which have long been studied for their immune enhancing properties.

And some inspiring words from Elvie Bongosia of PIA-Bohol on New Year's resolutions - The Pope Francis list:

1. Don't gossip.
2. Finish your meals.
3. Make time for others.
4. Choose the "more humble" purchase.
5. Meet the poor "in the flesh."
6. Stop judging others.
7. Befriend those who disagree.
8. Make commitments, such as marriage.
9. Make it a habit to "ask the Lord."
10.Be happy. This joy should translate to love of neighbor.

VRS asked you to share your greatest moment of 2013. These are your stories...

Volunteerism-“It's being able to rediscover myself by realizing my capacity to help. The 7.2 earthquake and typhoon Haiyan were my greatest moments because it helped me realize not only that I can actually help but it let me witness the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen – the Filipinos and other countries helping each other to give aid to the victims. As they say, it is in times of disaster that brings out the best in the community.” -Anna Maris Igpit

Daughter’s Birthday-“When Cielo celebrated her 16th birthday with our family, her Grandma Wincie and Mommy Lou in attendance; when Jerome and I put on her medal for her victory in the Regional Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge in Cebu City, and when I escorted Cielo to the University of the Philippines-Diliman upon her college entrance.”- Fiel Angeli Araoarao-Gabin

Heaven’s Bliss- “When I met Padre Pio in Boracay that made me back sincerely and religiously with God in the Catholic Church. I swear! Isn't that amazing?”- Joy Suarez

Partner-“My greatest moment of 2013 is that I met and married the woman that I'll love for the rest of my life, Atty. Joan Jagonos.” – Benjie Oliva

For Art’s Sake- “When I was chosen by the Asian Cultural Council (ACC) fellowship grantee for visual arts here in New York for six months to observe contemporary arts.”- Sam Penaso

Beauty with a Purpose-“As usual, the success of Anyag sa Tubigon 2013 with Daniel Padilla as special guest and when I was able to defend my master’s thesis en route to my Master in Business Management Degree at the Graduate School of Business and Administration of the University of San Jose-Recoletos.”-Raymund Delgado

A Helping Hand- “Co-convening the Oplan Bangon Bohol and doing relief and rebuilding missions in Bohol but still getting a year-end Performance Award from our Law Firm.” – Atty. Julius Gregory Delgado

Youth Service- “Winning the "Outstanding Barangay Official of the Year 2013 (Toboy Awards)" SK Category among 3,003 SK chairmen of the whole Region 7 and elected as Barangay Kawagad in our beloved Barangay Booy.” - Clement Ingking

Happy Feet- “The best moment for me this 2013 is when I went to the Grand Canyon...I felt God's presence there!!!”- EJ Relampagos

2013 was a good year for VRS as he was interviewed and featured on CNN.

Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohan at Twitter /Facebook.

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