Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dapat Tama!

Alam natin ang tama, ba't di natin ginagawa?
Paulit-ulit na lang na ito ang bagong simula.
Simula nang simula bakit walang natatapos?
Ilang beses nangako ilang beses napako.
'Pag tayo'y nagsama-sama lahat ay malalampasan
May mas maayos na bukas para sa ating mga anak.
Ang unang hakbang ay piliin ang tamang nakatatak
na pangalan sa balota.
Kaya dapat tama!
-From GMA News and Public Affairs “Dapat Tama” advocacy
Tomorrow, you will decide who will run this province for the next three years. Your vote is your dignity.
Dapat tama! How can we choose right leaders?
Gloc 9 Courtesy: GMA News
Here are the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting or PPRCV’s 10 Commandments for Responsible Voting (and reminders that vote buying is an evil act from Jagna Movement for Good Governance or JaMGGo):
1. Vote according to the dictates of your conscience.
2. Respect the decision of others in choosing their candidates.
3. Seek to know the moral integrity, capabilities, and other personal qualities of the candidates you will vote for.
4. Strive to understand the issues, platform, and programs of candidates and parties campaigning for your vote.
5. Do not sell your vote.
6. Do not vote for candidates using guns, goons, gold, and glitter.
7. Do not vote for candidates tainted with graft and corruption.
8. Do not vote for candidates simply because of “utang na loob” (debt of gratitude), popularity, good looks, or “pakikisama” (peer pressure).
9. Do not vote for candidates living an immoral life.
10. Always put the welfare of the country as top priority in choosing the candidate you will vote for.
It goes without saying that Mother's Day is one of our favorite days of the year. Year after year mothers give us so many beautiful reasons to be thankful they’re our mothers. Today, we honor mothers everywhere for their sacrifices, for making us laugh, for the lessons they impart, and for their unconditional love.
Proverbs 31:28 says, “Her children arise up and call her blessed.”
We asked our friends to tell us: What did your mom teach you?
Some of our friends asked simply ignored the question. Here are those who shared short of inspiring, from sweet to funny to tear-jerking to wise responses in our celebration of motherly wisdom:
Reigh Monreal: I can’t remember many. My Nanay died when I was six and my younger siblings were four and one. From stories I learned she was thrifty, hardworking and good at sewing by hand. She even made me a school bag because she didn’t like that I use a Guitar cellophane bag that some of my classmates were using. The bag lasted for a couple of years. Today, I hand-sew buttons on my shirts, hems on my pants, and any torn part of my clothing. Maybe I got this “talent” from my Nanay. I was also a wise and practical spender when I was still a struggling scholar at the Visayas State University.
Berly Elizabeth Lupot: My mom taught me that success is sweeter when wrapped with humility.
EJ Relampagos: My mom has taught us the unconditional kind of love...whatever me and my siblings have become now is the result of that love we have enjoyed since we were conceptualized by our parents.
Benjie Oliva: She taught me to live a simple life, to stay humble, to have a mission in life and to love God above all things.
Adri Anne Tirol Montes- Espanola: My mom taught me how to be strong no matter what life brings you, to find joy in every circumstance, and to never give up. She is the family`s source of strength.
DonDon Suganob: Always be humble whatever life will bring you, pray and trust everything to God.
Tessie Labunog-Sumampong: My Mama taught me to help other people and to love and care for each other. I’m a very generous person gyud hehehehe basta naa lang.
Judith Uy-Sumatra: My mom taught me that there are only two people in the world: the oppressor and the oppressed. One thing I learned from her is never to surrender, to fight till your last breath.
Jo Menorias: My mom taught us to take good care of our names as well as reputation even if we are not rich.
Fiel Angel Araoarao-Gabin: Born into a family who had less in life, Mama Wincie - through her actions, personal conviction and dedication - has taught my siblings Ondoy, Baby, Coeli and I, even my children, nieces and nephews that honest hard work pays off, that it is better to give than to receive (especially where sharing one’s talents is concerned), and that, above all, our strong faith in God makes us conquer our fears and achieve the impossible... A true personification of self-sacrifice and compassion, Mama Wincie’s life is a living testament of her ideals.
Katrina Schoof-Chu: Doing the household chores, even if you have maids - that’s how I learned to wash and iron clothes, do the dishes and most especially, clean the house. My mother said that, when married, I have to make sure I take care of my husband, see to it that he’s presentable - no holes on the socks or shirts - because it will always reflect on the kind of wife I am. My mom is a very generous person, so I think I got that trait from her.
Malou Cempron: My mom taught me to be God fearing and sensible at all times.
Chandrina Elluiska Schreurs: My mom taught me to become a better person and feel what’s inside my heart, and most of all when I stumble, try to find ways to be back and raise your head high that you have undergone such endeavor.
Leslie Domapias-Ramirez: The value of spiritual strength in love, family life and profession.
Kit Oppus: How to stand for what one believes in!
Ariel Fullido: To fear God, and always look on the brighter side of life!
Reuben Gulle: My mom taught me the values of giving without expecting something in return. She instilled in me that by giving, the windows of heaven will open, and pour the blessings on me.
Toto Veloso: To always do what is right, so there will never be any regret for whatever you do. This is what my beloved mom taught me.
Tracy Remolador Torres: My mom taught me to stop comparing myself to others because I will have my own race. She taught me to be generous and patient.
Blair Panong: She was always telling me when I was a child that when I go out into the world - I have watch out for traffic. We have to hold hands. We have to stick together.
Aris Aumentado: Good manners and right conduct.
Nikko Sereno: My mom taught me the value of hardwork and to never take my health for granted.
Leah Tirol-Magno: My Mama taught me a lot of great things. One of those is the love for cooking and baking. Now, I cook and bake for my own family and for others.
Clarlaine Falcon Radoc: To follow what my heart desires and being true to myself. All I need to remember is that I should be responsible in everything that I do with mature obedience, trust and faith in God. She never really fails to inspire me.
God bless all the mothers, all across the world.                               
Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohan at Twitter /Facebook.

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