Sunday, April 21, 2013

Preparations for Anyag 2013 and Summer Dance Break

• Race to Anyag sa Tubigon begins
• Dancing the Summer Away in Albur

Scene: Summer Gimik in Bohol: If you are looking for a little bit more this summer, something new, something exciting, a true adventure, perhaps something you have never done before. Then, try Firefly Kayaking at Abatan River in Maribojoc with KayakAsia Philippines.
It is truly magical to see an entire tree, glowing with thousands of fireflies, like a Christmas tree.
“By using kayaks you have saved thousands of fireflies from being affected by noise and smoke emitted from motor-boats. KayakAsia Philippines is trying very hard to preserve the natural environment of the fireflies in the Abatan River and for choosing us, you have helped our cause. The river thanks you. The fireflies thank you,” said Rey Donaire, KayakAsia Philippines manager.
More from Rey: Kayaking for us is more than just a trip. It is not just another tour. It is our advocacy also. An ecologically friendly way to see the sights and sounds of our island, Bohol from a different perspective. And through this you have helped us give belief to the locals who live along the river that doing ecologically-sustainable tourism can not only help better the environment but also their lives as well.
As the song goes, “Kumukutikutitap, bumubusibusilak, ganyan ang indak ng mga bumbilya, kikindat - kindat, kukurap–kurap, pinaglalaruan ng inyong mga mata…”
(Email:, visit or text/call +63932-855-2928).
Scene: The first Saulog sa Tagbilaran, a religion-based cultural activity spearheaded by the City Government through the City Council for Culture and Arts (CCCA) and the Diocese of Tagbilaran, is on April 30. It will showcase the fluvial procession of the Holy Family and a street dancing portraying the life of Saint Joseph as a worker, a loving father and husband.

Scene: Stephen Montealto on her Mom's 79th birthday (as posted on Facebook):  To My Beloved Mama Rose,A Mother's LOVE is instinctual, unconditional, and forever, She's a magic in any language, She's the bank where we deposit all our hurts and worries. And for me God sees us through our Mother's eyes and rewards us for our virtues. I couldn't have the chance to tour around the world without the love from a mother, You guided me and gave me your boundless love. On your birthday I wish you much peace, joy, love, good health, a heart that knows love, a soul that knows joy, a spirit that knows giving. Thank You for being everything a son could ever want. HAPPY 79th BIRTHDAY MAMA ROSE, You know how much I LOVE YOU!

Scene: Ten ladies will compete for the title Miss Carmen 2013, May 11, 7 p.m.  at the Carmen gymnasium.

Scene: Fashion icon EJ Relampagos on originality and integrity: Some people are asking if my collections during the Reveal fashion show were really original creations by me and if there were some pieces I "borrowed" from my Cebu designer friends... First of all, I want to take it as a compliment because I consider Cebu designers as the best in our land... Another point is, I trust in my own ability and capability... Me and my staff worked hard to realize my visions, we've spent sleepless nights to finish everything in time for the show... I just want to make it clear that every piece showcased on my segment during the Reveal show is originally designed by me and created in my shop. Thank you! :)

Scene: If you've been wondering why this ultimo eventologist haven't organized anything lately it's because he has been swept up by the need to finish the projects. He is just hibernating; he will hog the limelight (again) as a contract star of a giant network. Yes, he is in Manila for some "enhancements." According to VRS, he will have one commercial, one indie film and two teleseryes. He will be included in the movie Darna for Metro Manila Film Festival 2013. Revealing the identity of this future star from Bohol in this section and on social media is verboten. Guess that's why he's staying anonymous!

Dancing the Summer Away in Albur

“Giving back!” is the theme of Jay Anthony “Tonjie” Requilme Mangao’s message at the culmination program of the Alburquerque Summer Dance Workshop. Produced by the Office of Alburquerque Mayor Efren Tungol and the Culture and Arts Coordinator, the dance workshop ran from April 2 to 12 at the Alburquerque Training Center. 

Mangao, who recently graduated as major in dance from the prestigious Philippine High School for the Arts at Mt. Makiling in Los Banos, Laguña, heads the Alburquerque Performing Arts Group (APAG) and was the trainor of this summer’s dance workshop.

“It is my way of giving back what I have learned in school to the people of Alburquerque who have supported me all these years," said Mangao. "I hope more young people will join the next year’s summer workshop, instead of just idling the summer away."
Twenty members of APAG trained, including original members from last year’s dance and theater workshops, as well as new members who went through an audition on April 2. A total of 21 workshop sessions were conducted for 10 days on basic ballet movements and basic fundamentals of dance. These include footwork and hand movements such as releve, extension, plie, battements, passé, arabesque, tendu, jete, coupe, etc.

During the culmination program, Tonjie demonstrated his skill in choreography when the APAG members performed an invocatory dance, the “Mask Dance”, and a contemporary pop “Drive By.”

It was attended by LGU officials and employees, as well as representatives of the Center for Culture and Arts Development (GO CCAD) Vida Tirol-de Juan, Butch de Juan and Mitzi Ibaya. 

The video presentation of APAG says it all: “Dance is a silent poetry” and “Take more chances, dance more dances.”

Preparation underway for Anyag 2013
Anyag sa Tubigon 2012 Mariecris Batula Evardo was totally fabulous, gorgeous, poised and eloquent. She faced the camera with utmost fluency, nor did she get daunted when she had to mingle with huge crowds. She wasn't so strict on herself when it comes to her diet, and she always comes back to being in great shape.
But when she failed to get the crown (she was first runner-up in Miss Bohol Sandugo in 2012 to Idy Caseñas Cagas of Jagna town), she got a run-down of her flaws and told there was work to do.

This was, after all, Tubigon.

Anyag 2013 candidates
After winning the Miss Bohol Sandugo in 2010, beauty is now a serious business in Tubigon just like in Venezuela (girls as young as four attending beauty schools to set them on the road to stardom).

The annual Anyag sa Tubigon which is held in May brings the town of Tubigon to a halt – the talk of the town. As of lately, many Tubignon girls grow up dreaming of being a “Miss” or a beauty queen.
Tubigon expects – and, has come to be expected – to win in Miss Bohol Sandugo and other pageants in the province like Miss BACS Personality or at the very least, place among the top runners-up. 

In Miss Bohol Sandugo, the province’s oldest beauty pageant, Tubigon has produced two winners: Amir Sol (Miss Bohol Sandugo 2000) and Farrah Maye Mian (Miss Bohol Sandugo 2011), not yet enough to snatch the title as “Beauty Capital of Bohol” from Jagna town which produced Tiffany Yap (1990), Ma. Recelle Adlaon (1991), Celevel Ranoco (1992), Fatima Liora Lloren Rana (2003) and Idy Cagas (2012).
There’s so much work to do.
As early as March, the Anyag sa Tubigon committee headed by chairman emeritus Gertrude Cabrera-Abarquez are busy for Anyag as they want to make it an electrifying and memorable pageant.

You see, Tubigon is the only town in Bohol which gives proper training for the girls who would represent their town. Anyag contestants train like beauty queens. In every sense, the girls are conditioned – physically and mentally. The people who run Anyag want to have the ultimate contestant, the whole package.

Training and coaching are key elements. It is the goal of Anyag not only to create a beauty queen, but best beauty ambassador to represent the town.

When the Anyag committee members find out the Anyag has no chance of winning, they will look for another girl. Take for instance, Anyag 2010 Clarice Elaine Falcon Radoc and Anyag 2011 Lori Geisha Cabrera were supposed to represent Tubigon in Miss Bohol Sandugo but were replaced because there was low chance of winning the crown.

Last week, the candidates underwent intense lessons in how to apply make-up and do her hair and proper manners with the beauty army at the camp which includes hair stylists, makeup artists, physical trainers, speech and acting coaches, catwalk instructors and dieticians.
Anyag fanpage on Facebook says, "As a way of connecting to the community and doing their share in various socio-civic oriented causes, the candidates are taking their time in gracing countless sponsor visits, courtesy calls, guestings, photo and location shoots and many more. Truly, an Anyag is someone who rises above the ranks and exhibits grace under pressure despite the hectic and rigorous schedules."

Will another Anyag grab the Miss Bohol Sandugo title in July?

Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohan at Twitter /Facebook.

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